
CAGI aktualizácia 07/2018

Pridané: 1.8.2018 08:55:32 Počet zobrazení: 1377

01 August 2018

CAGI práve oznámila aktualizáciu kapitoly 5 príručky "Stlačený vzduch a plyn". Podrobné informácie nájdete na nižšie uvedenom odkazu a nezabudnite pravidelne kontrolovať www.cagi.org pre novinky, aktualizácie príručky a prístup k modulom e-learningu pre inteligentné stránky.

CAGI aktualizácia 07/2018

Chapter 5 -- Compressed Air & Gas Handbook

The Compressed Air & Gas Institute (CAGI) is pleased to announce that an updated version of Chapter 5 of the Compressed Air and Gas Handbook is now available for download from the CAGI website, www.cagi.org. Chapter 5 is a comprehensive chapter on air tools and air tool safety. The chapter provides information on proper application, proper maintenance, and user training. Chapter 5 covers a number of different types of air tools that through their use directly contribute increased productivity in various applications.

Chapter 5 is an update that is part of an extensive revision to the Compressed Air and Gas Handbook, which consists of eight chapters. As additional chapters are updated, they will replace the versions of the sixth edition that are currently posted and will be available for free download on the CAGI website. Chapters 1 and 3 have already been updated and are posted.

For more than 100 years, the Compressed Air and Gas Institute has been the leading source on all matters related to compressed air. As the united voice of the industry, CAGI's activities include the development and organization of educational material including compressed air system training programs to benefit the users of compressed air systems. In addition to the Compressed Air and Gas Handbook, the CAGI website (www.cagi.org) offers many resource materials such as selection guides, videos and online training.

Additionally, the CAGI website (www.CAGI.org) offers many resource materials such as selection guides, videos and an online training course.

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