kompresory bezmazné
Objednávky v decembri 2024 - Informácia
Vážení zákaznici.
Oznamujeme Vám, že vzhľadom k ukončeniu roka 2024 sa objednaný tovar bude odosielať do 19.12.2024. Objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 sa budú vybavovať až v roku 2025 od 15.01.2025. Pre objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 budú platiť už cenníky pre rok 2025 a nová sadzba DPH 23%.
Firma ATSK bude z dôvodu vianočných sviatkov v čase od 20.12.2024 do 13.01.2025 zatvorená.
Požiadavky na servisné prehliadky budú prijímané na e-mail servis(@)kompresor.sk a budú realizované až po 13.1.2025.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie.
Kompresory SULLAIR
dvojstupňové bezmazné skrutkové kompresory |
These fluid injected compressors are complemented by Sullair's DS-13 Series of oil-free compressors.
Rugged Fork lift in pockets Stainless steel piping Heavy duty enclosure Aggressive warranties |
Versatile |
User Friendly |
A natural progression For Sullair, widely known for its oil-flooded compressors, the development of an oil-free compressor was a natural progression. Using its expertise in fluid-injected screw technology, Sullair designed the DS Series to deliver the ultimate in compressed air quality: oil-free air. Oil-free compression With non-contacting carbon ring seals that allow no lubricant to enter the compression chamber, the Sullair oil-free compressor provides critical quality oil-free air for sensitive applications like food and beverage, pharmaceutical, chemical, textile and electronics production. No contaminating particles The compressor’s rotors and housing are cut, then coated with USFDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)-approved material to inhibit corrosion and minimize clearances. Because it operates without rotor-to-rotor |