Objednávky v decembri 2024 - Informácia
Vážení zákaznici.
Oznamujeme Vám, že vzhľadom k ukončeniu roka 2024 sa objednaný tovar bude odosielať do 19.12.2024. Objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 sa budú vybavovať až v roku 2025 od 15.01.2025. Pre objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 budú platiť už cenníky pre rok 2025 a nová sadzba DPH 23%.
Firma ATSK bude z dôvodu vianočných sviatkov v čase od 20.12.2024 do 13.01.2025 zatvorená.
Požiadavky na servisné prehliadky budú prijímané na e-mail servis(@) a budú realizované až po 13.1.2025.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie.
Nitrogen Membrane Technology
How is Nitrogen Generated from the Parker Membranes?
A reliable, high performance membrane module is the heart of a nitrogen gas generator. Customers around the world trust Parker Hannifin to provide reliable nitrogen gas generators that meet the specific needs of our customer applications.
Pressurized air is fed to one end of the hollow fiber membranes. The permeation rates of water vapor, CO2, and oxygen contained in the air stream are faster than nitrogen and argon and will rapidly diffuse through the fiber walls. The slower diffused nitrogen molecules remain in the fiber bore and are collected as the nitrogen product gas. The air flow rate will determine how much undiffused oxygen remains with the nitrogen gas. The nitrogen product gas is extremely dry, with atmospheric dew points typically below -40°F. The membranes act like a filter with no moving parts and continuously generate nitrogen at selected flow and purity.
PARKER HiFluxx N2 Membranes are available in various sizes.
Why are Parker HiFluxx® Membranes Unique from other Membrane Filters?
Simply stated, Parker HiFluxx® membranes are the most permeable membranes in the world! High permeability means more nitrogen is produced in each fiber.