Kompresory VS
Objednávky v decembri 2024 - Informácia
Vážení zákaznici.
Oznamujeme Vám, že vzhľadom k ukončeniu roka 2024 sa objednaný tovar bude odosielať do 19.12.2024. Objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 sa budú vybavovať až v roku 2025 od 15.01.2025. Pre objednávky prijaté po 18.12.2024 budú platiť už cenníky pre rok 2025 a nová sadzba DPH 23%.
Firma ATSK bude z dôvodu vianočných sviatkov v čase od 20.12.2024 do 13.01.2025 zatvorená.
Požiadavky na servisné prehliadky budú prijímané na e-mail servis(@)kompresor.sk a budú realizované až po 13.1.2025.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie.
Sullair rada VS Vákuové systémy
Sullair VS Series Vacuums systems
Our VS Series vacuum systems use proven rotary screw technology to produce vacuum at unrivaled efficiencies. Because VS vacuum systems are air cooled and require no seal water, there are no water acquisition, water treatment or water disposal costs. As a result, these systems offer lower power costs and up to 50% lower total operating costs than other types of pumps.
VS-10 (5 – 15 hp • 4 – 11 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |
VS-12 (15 – 20 hp • 11 – 15 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |
VS-16 (30 – 50 hp • 22 – 37 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |
VS-20 (60 – 75 hp • 45 – 55 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |
VS-25 (75 – 100 hp • 55 – 75 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |
VS-32 (125 – 200 hp • 93 – 149 kW)
The Sullair Vacuum System is a complete packaged system. The entire package is tested. There are no additional components to purchase. This simplifies installation and reduces start-up time and costs. There are 16 models ranging from 4 to 150 kW, 5 to 200 horsepower, and optional hospital suction packages. |